Online Interviews
20 April, 2010
Steena: So what is the Motherhood Muse literary magazine? It's a magazine that features a variety of voices on the subject of motherhood, nature, and children. Each digital issue includes columns by women who share with us their experiences as mothers, writers, and women reconnecting with nature. Today we hear from Loren Christie, who is an editor assistant and a contributing author for The Motherhood Muse.
Steena: You contribute to The Motherhood Muse in two ways: an editor assistant and a short story author. How does working as an editor impact your own writing?
Loren: It is good to see both sides of the coin. Since I am constantly submitting my own work to others for publication, I understand what it feels like to be passed up. Helping choose the submissions for The Motherhood Muse is an honor for me, and I try to contribute positive feedback that carries the understanding that the author put his/her heart into the submission.
Steena: Please tell us about your column called "Welcome to My Circus" in the MaMaZina. What is it about and where do you find your inspiration for writing it?
Loren: The column is all about my adventures in motherhood. My inspiration is climbing all over me as I answer your question! My ideas come from the experience of raising my three children. I have two boys who are 7 and 3 years old, and a daughter who is 5 years old. As you might imagine, there is never a lack of material, and as long as I have a piece of paper and a pen nearby I can capture enough to write about later.
Steena: It is challenging to write short story (fiction) and essays/columns (nonfiction). How do you switch from writing one type of piece to another? Do pieces of your personal life get integrated into your short stories? What advice can you give to mothers and writers who want to take personal stories and turn them into short stories?
Loren: I feel most comfortable writing personal essays. Since I started my blog in 2008, I've been trying different genres. I've found that humor is my comfort zone, and the silly posts about the pets are actually my favorite. It is hard not to put your own experiences and thoughts into fiction. I think this is natural, but really good fiction starts when you let go of your control over the story. That's what I've been trying to work on in my own fiction writing.
Steena: "Dude, Where Am I?" is the title of your blog. Please share with us what you blog about and your feelings towards blogging.
Loren: I started my blog as part of a New Year's resolution in 2008 to practice writing more consistently, because I enjoy it. The blog title was originally, "There's No Place Like Home," but that did not honestly reflect how I feel as a writer. "Dude, Where Am I?" felt more accurate, as I am constantly trying to adjust (humorously) to the path my life is taking. When I write for forty five minutes in the morning, I feel as good as if I had just spent time on a brisk walk. The blog has become a platform for me, and a place where I can practice writing and get brutally honest feedback. After two years of blogging I can see a footprint of who I am as a writer and a person in general. Also, some larger projects have come out of the blog. For instance, I've completed a manuscript that I'm currently polishing. It's a humorous memoir on motherhood. This endeavor has increased my momentum to write.
I think that bloggers have to be cautious in what they reveal as writers to the public. However, you have to be willing to show your feelings to an extent because good writers take that risk. I have decided to disguise the names of my husband and children for privacy reasons, but I do use pictures of my family. These are some things to consider when you create a blog.
Steena: What impression has your writing and editing career had on your children?
Loren: My children know that Mommy needs forty five minutes to write. They call it my "play time," and they are seriously right on about that. I've caught them drawing and writing their own little books. The older two children have become more patient when they see me typing because they know it is important to me.
For more information about The Motherhood Muse E-Zine visit . It is currently out-of-print but you can order the back issues. Kim published 4 of my short stories in TMM. Thanks Kim!
Dear Internet Traveler,
Welcome to my writer's blog, started about six years ago for fun. Over time, the writing I have posted has ranged from personal reflection, to Long Island history research, to tall tales for my own amusement, to feature articles for local newspapers. As you can see from topics listed here, I travel in many mental directions in regard to interests. Click on the tabs and labels to explore my strange mind which senses that you may be having a criss-cross day. If so, perhaps this blog will distract you. However, please note that if you tell me my blog is beautiful just to get me to advertise rhinoplasty surgery and cheap drugs from Canada in your comment, I will ask the gods to give you a tail that cannot be concealed.
Loren Christie