Friday, June 27, 2008

School's Over: Mommy, Look What I Learned!

Today is the last day of preschool for big brother. I wish I had the camera with me when I pick him up at dismissal. He's hugging his best friend, Thomas. They bump schoolbags and do their secret backwards wave goodbye. In the car, big brother looks pensive. From her car seat, Snow White notices and leans into his face, shouting, "What you thinkin' about, brother?"

"Just my very best friend, Thomas. We decided to never forget each other and always be friends, even though we'll be in different schools next September." Snow White pauses. "Oh, just like me and my friend Aurora."

"Who's Aurora?" I ask, surprised. "She's just a beautiful mermaid friend in my mind, Mama," Snow White casually replies.

We celebrate by going through the Wendy's drive thru. At the kitchen table, big brother is struggling to finish french fries. He has his eye on the chocolate shake that came free with his meal.

"Mama, My stomach is full to the top," he complains.

I play devil's advocate just for kicks. "Well, that's too bad. I guess there's no room for that chocolate shake."

"BURP!" Big brother covers his mouth, muffling a laugh; Snow White has fallen off her chair, giggling.

"What are you doing? That's not nice!" I say.

"Sorry Mama. I'm just making some room in my stomach for the dessert. Burping adds room so you can fit more food into your body."

"Where did you hear that?" I wonder out loud.

Big brother pauses from sipping his shake. "I learned it at Pre-School."

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Loren Christie

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